Is This The Best Way To Smoke Cheese?
At FireBoard HQ, we love experimenting with new cooking techniques, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. About a month ago, Ted and I set…
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Where Do You Put the Meat Thermometer in a Turkey?
Cooking a turkey can feel overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time. You might be able to get away with guessing when a steak is done, but for a turkey, you’ll need an accurate meat thermometer both to ensure the perfect flavor/texture as well as general food safety. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the process of cooking a delicious turkey using a meat thermometer, perfect for beginners.
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Do You Really Need a Wi-Fi Meat Thermometer for Smoking?
One of the most critical elements of successful smoking is maintaining the smoker’s internal temperature within the optimal range. This article will explore why temperature control is crucial when smoking meat and the difference between using traditional meat thermometers and modern Wi-Fi thermometers for smokers.
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Maillard Reaction: Where Flavor and Temperature Meet
Following up on Jeff’s post comparing low and slow to hot and fast cooking methods, we are going to look at some of the chemical…
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