Company News
FireBoard HQ Update: Moving Has Begun!!
The restoration of a former root beer bottling plant into our new headquarters is nearing completion. Our contractor’s punch list keeps getting shorter with major work completed and finishing touches like lighting, trim, cabinets, doors, and painting remaining.

Joe unloading a Juki G-Titan, a 3000 pound automated screen printer used to precisely apply solder paste on boards.

FireBoard Co-Founder Steven Briggeman transporting 2 of the Juki machines that make up our SMT line.
Thanks to a stretch of nice weather the decision was made to move some of the machines to do our printed circuit board assembly. Click here to read about the delivery and installation of our SMT assembly line in October 2019. The line is comprised of a Juki G-Titan screen printer, Juki RS1 Modular Mounter, and a BTU SMT Reflow Oven. Altogether these three machines weigh over 5 tons!

Joe, James, Byron, Ted, Steven and Josh pitching in to move the FireBoard SMT line machines to their new headquarters.
With proper planning and some rental equipment, these machines safely made their way to their new home with little difficulty. With the heavy machinery out of the way, the FireBoard team can concentrate on moving the rest of the production related equipment.

James and Joe working on leveling and alignment of FireBoard Labs’ recently moved SMT Line.
Additionally, we have been slowly moving in as spaces have become available. James, Ted, and Linda have been working with our new selective solder and conformal coating line. You can read about those fascinating machines in this recent blog post. Our industrial designer Paul has been busy, customizing his new workspace, and I’ve been working in our new photo studio for the last month.

Our industrial designer Paul up-cycled some discarded kitchen cabinets into a custom-fit credenza for his office.

My workspace!! The small-product photo studio at FireBoard Labs headquarters.

Joe and James taking a break from painting walls and chasing data cable at FireBoard Labs’ new HQ. Ben from Teague Electric installing the first restroom light switch.

Byron and Joe have 22 doors to sand, stain, and hang for the new FireBoard Labs’ headquarters.
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