Company News, Manufacturing
New Machines at the New HQ

Circuit boards preheating just after flux application and prior to soldering.

Circuit boards loaded into magazines waiting to be loaded into the selective soldering machine. This line begins and ends with magazine loading machines like the one pictured here.
An exciting part of our new headquarters is that it affords us the space needed to expand our manufacturing line. We took delivery of this equipment months ago, and have been excited to get it setup!

FireBoard’s new selective solder machine sprays on flux and then preheats the board prior to soldering.
New Soldering Machine

The 30mm wave head instantly soldering through hole components as the head gently passes by.
While our building is still not quite ready for us to move in, we decided to set up our selective soldering and conformal coating machines. These additions augment our current Surface Mount Technology (aka SMT) array of machinery by automating some of our more time intensive build tasks. Our new soldering setup precisely solders through hole components onto the PCBs which are assembled in house. A conveyor then transports the board to the conformal coating machine.
Conformal Coating Line
FireBoard has always applied a layer of silicone to their PCBs. This layer protects the board from dust and dirt and prevents corrosion. Up until now, we have been coating our boards by hand. This new automated process will increase production efficiency and allow us to focus on other hands-on jobs that will help us grow. Click here for more information on the practice of conformal coating.

FireBoard’s new conformal coating machine in action.

The UV light on FireBoard’s conformal coating machine makes it easier to see the coating as it has been applied to the circuit boards.
Assembly Line History
FireBoard initially started assembling their circuit boards in 2019 when they implemented their current SMT assembly line that consisted of a Juki G-Titan, Juki Rs-1 and a BTU Pyromax Oven. Click here to check out our post about that line’s delivery and setup.
The SMT line is scheduled to be moved over to the new FireBoard HQ soon!

Before and after: the PCB on the left was created at FireBoard’s Terrace Street location with on their SMT line. It was then fed into the soldering/coating line at their new headquarters, with the finished product at right.
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